Does Health Really Matter If You’re Fit?

Surprisingly, if you’re anything like me, you really don’t know. Why not? Well, it’s likely because we get so caught up in trying to build the perfect body, we forget to measure our health. “So in truth, in the process of building a better body, we regrettably may forget all about our health.” In other […]

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Health warning: Health risks of mobile phones !

Using a mobile phone for more than 10 years increases the risk of getting brain cancer, according to the most comprehensive study of the risks yet published. The study which contradicts official pronouncements that there is no danger of getting the disease found that people who have had the phones for a decade or more […]

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Health Insurance – Is Some Better Than None?

About 50 years ago, health insurance started to be an attractive incentive offered by employers to attract and keep good employees. Overall, group plans tended to be inexpensive for employers, with employees contributing a small amount of money or none at all to secure health insurance for themselves and their families. It was more expensive […]

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Health and Leisure in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a sunshine haven for fresh, mountain or sea air, open spaces and mineral spa treatments. For many, it is ideal location for a relaxed and healthy lifestyle. It is no wonder that Bulgaria’s tourism figures are increasing at a level never seen before (50% in the past 4 years). Bulgaria’s recent government initiatives […]

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Being Healthy Can Be Fun And Fun Can Be Healthy

Fun is good for you! The enjoyment of life affects your health in a positive way. It’s a fact! Your attitude, feelings, and emotions can have a positive or negative effect on your health. You can improve your health in many ways, and we are going to talk about a few. We are going to […]

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Water and Your Health

Here’s a question you’ve heard many times before: How many glasses of water do you drink each day? Two, three, four… more? You’ve heard it so often because it’s a very important question, prompting you to think about the amount of water you consume, urging you to drink more… Get the basics right, like eating […]

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Health care for globe trotters

50% of people, who travel, suffer a travel – related illness. All travelers should be well prepared for travel and be prepared to protect themselves from travel related illness. In this issue various aspects of travel related illness have been discussed with related protective measures. According to ayurveda traveling causes vitiation of vata dosha. Vata […]

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School Based Mental Health Services Reduce School Violence

We live in a complicated world requiring complex skills. We must prepare our children to cope and to compete. They need reading, social studies, science and math more than ever, but they also need social skills, problem solving, superior reasoning and good mental health. There is a societal need to reduce the incidence of violence […]

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